
-Episode 5. to the Arctic Circle-

(1999.01.30 Reykjavik, Iceland)


Dear Friends,
Hi! How are you?
Here comes KSZnews from Reykjavik.(Do you know where it is?)
Ifm writing this mail among the students of Iceland University. It is
possible to use internet from the national library (it is FREEEE!!).
Now Ifm fine, though I have several accidents. The climate is not cold
at all. Here is raining!! Although you can see snow and ice (because
this place is ICEland), the weather is mild, just cloudy.
This country is so nice. Churches are modern and nice, buildings and
locations are well planned, the facilities in the library are neat and
comfortable and... you can ski + take hot spas!!! Even though some
friends ordered me not to run, I started running since the snow was so
beautiful, then I took the spa to recover. It is marvelous to see the snow from the spa.
Now my slot is about to end (1 hour per day), Ifd like to send more
tomorrow. If you want to see more details, please ask the KSZ Special.
See you!

See next

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Tenyoku Knights presents
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MSZ006: Mobile Suit Z(zeta) Gundam